This unmerciful biased court is going to undo not just the Great Society of President Johnson but probably the New Deal itself. Social Security is at risk. Medicare is at risk. Medicaid is at risk.
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
5 Ways to Increase Latino Voter Turnout
For far too long, voter suppression, systemic barriers, and lack of engagement have stifled political participation
Kansas Law Requiring Voters to Prove Citizenship Blocked
The law had required everyone who registered to vote to produce documentation on their U.S. citizenship
Supreme Court Strikes Limits on Voter Apparel Slogans
Court strikes down restrictions in one state that banned voters from wearing clothes with the name of a candidate
US High Court Voter Roll Decision May Have Limited Impact
A Supreme Court ruling has cleared the way for states to take a tougher approach to maintaining their voter rolls
The long roots of voter suppression in the United States
Slaves had no civil rights, couldn’t vote, and would not in fact be represented by those elected on this basis
Oklahoma Legislature Votes to Make Ballot Selfies Legal
The real threat of voting selfies is to the secret ballot: a fundamental tenet of American democracy
Free speech is no defense for voter intimidation
If you think that Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Manksy is a “free speech” case, then you’ve already decided the outcome
Kansas exposes citizens private info in latest voter fraud fiasco
Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office released the data as part of program that looks for double voter registrations
In Ohio voter purge case, law is just politics by other means
The betting money is still that the Ohio purge plan will be allowed by the Supreme Court, probably 5-4