A U.S. District Court judge has ended 35 years of restrictions on Republican National Committee voter activities
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
Partisanship at Trump’s voter fraud commission
The request from Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap seemed to be a given for any member of President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission: He wanted transparency. But Dunlap, among a handful of Democrats on the panel launched by executive order in May with the stated goal of restoring confidence and integrity in the electoral […]
Will Texas Voting Laws Go Back Under Federal Supervision?
Constant controversy and mounting court loses mean Voting Rights Act provisions could be returning
What is Going on With North Carolina’s Voting Map?
North Carolina needs an independent solution to its racial gerrymandering problem. Will it get one?
The New Voting Commission is Designed to Restrict Voter Rights
If President Trump and Republicans really want to make sure that we have integrity in our elections and make sure voter fraud is not a problem, they would invest in new technology for voting machines.
Trump’s Commission On Election Integrity and Immigrants
Trump is once again says to get to the bottom of his claim that the election was adrift in voter fraud
Partisan Voter Fraud Claims Reflect Perceived Deep Corruption
Americans, including Democrats, think voter fraud is a real problem and don’t mind voter ID laws
PODCAST: Trump Era Voting Rights, Why Courts and Congress Matter
Senator Coons joined Nicole Austin-Hillery to protect our democracy against voter suppression
How Boost Mobile is Helping Solve Voting Inequalities
In an effort to help fight against voter suppression and the strict voter ID laws, cell phone company Boost Mobile has been trying to figure out ways to help combat racial and class inequality in voting.
Blocked Redistricting Plans Illegally Targeted Texan Latino Voters
A U.S. District Court has ruled that Texas lawmakers illegally drew voting lines in three districts