States seeking proof-of-citizenship voting requirement know many Americans will lose access
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
The Wisconsin Republican Against Voter Suppression
Lonely stand in Wisconsin for Republican against voter suppression through reduced access
Notorious True the Vote Organization Still Pushing Voter ID
Resurfacing of notorious True the Vote leaders worries those who battle voter suppression
SuperPAC Supporting Voter ID to Spend Big
So-called ‘conservative’ SuperPAC supporting voter ID plans to push election restrictions
North Carolina Voter Suppression Law Set for Court
Heavily criticized North Carolina voter suppression law to face court scrutiny
State Accused of Pennsylvania Voter Suppression
State accused of running false ads warning about non-existent voter ID requirement in Pennsylvania voter suppression case
North Carolina Protest Targets Voter Suppression
North Carolina protest at Voter ID, early voting, and other election changes that reduce access
North Carolina Voter Suppression Battle Rages
Restrictive and unnecessarily damaging North Carolina voter suppression battle building opposition
Date Set For North Carolina Voter Suppression Trial
Closely watched North Carolina Voter Suppression trial involves far-reaching law denounced as blatant attempt to limit voting by minorities and poor
Making Case for Compulsory Voting in America
Legislating compulsory voting can have a dramatic effect on American voter turnout like Australia