Carroll G. Robinson, law professor, attorney and Democratic activist, took time out from his hectic schedule to do an email interview.
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
Republicans seek restrictions on early voting and mail-in votes
Republicans in key states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden are putting in place tighter voting measures targeting especially absentee ballots.
Atlanta Mail Specialist Exposed Voter Roll Purge List Problems
Voter suppression persists. A key direct mail specialist was able to analyse and reverse a questionable voter roll purge list in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Not A Lost Cause: A Black Queer Southerner’s Perspective on Southern Politics
Georgia flipped blue in the November 3 election to the surprise of many. However, there is little awareness of the role voter suppression might have played in keeping Georgia red in the past.
Democrats Need to Expand Voting Rights if Blue Tide Sweeps Them Into Power
A recent article by Greg Palast, an investigative journalist, suggests that Democrats also suppress the right of eligible citizens to vote.
Timeline: Voter suppression in the US from the Civil War to today
US voter suppression can be traced back to the country’s early years. An interesting new article looks at this timeline from the Civil War to today.
Voting rights advocates sue Postal Service
Postmaster’s recent changes in the USPS raised voter suppression concerns. Rights advocates are suing the service on these grounds.
Google removes ads with misleading voter registration info
In the run-up to the November 2020 polls Google has been the target of ads that spread disinformation. It is now taking action, pulling down such ads.
Amid accusations of violence, some say National Guard should no longer staff voting stations
National guard members have assisted or are set to help in several states, raising concerns over the possibility of voter intimidation [in upcoming polls], report.
Democrats unveil tool to fight voter purges
Systemic and forcible purges are yet to be eradicated from the U.S. electoral landscape. The DNC unveiled a new plan to combat them.