Councilwoman arguing the NJ primary system is partly to blame for historically low turnout in state
Voter Turnout articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter turnout is about the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election and can be based on who is eligible to vote, something that varies by country. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Suppression or Voter Access.
Oregon Voter Registration System is Major Advance
High hopes that innovative and far-reaching Oregon voter registration law will increase turnout
New Roadblocks Stall Oklahoma Electoral College Bill
Lawmakers had pushed Oklahoma electoral college law changes earlier but new concerns block passage
Can Election Day Registration Boost NJ Turnout?
Three other states that introduced election day registration saw huge spikes in voter turnout
Two Parties See Record Low NJ Primary Voter Turnout
Turnout so low for NJ primary voters that both democrats and republicans may lose ballot label
VIDEO: Voting Rights Weaken Since Civil Rights Era
Since Civil Rights Era
Much of gains in voting rights won during activist 60’s protest have waned since Civil Rights Era
How American Millennial Voters Are Changing Elections
Tired generation of American Millennial voters set to change national priorities, but to what end?
Questionable Move to Cut Georgia Early Voting
Turnout and basic administration to be harmed if plans to cut short Georgia early voting proceed
Are Israeli Arab Votes Crucial in Tight Election?
Netanyahu finds that increasing turnout of Israeli Arab votes crucial to future as Prime Minister
Principals Behind Estonia Online Voting Progress
Since 2005 launch, Estonia online voting progress includes moving from local to national usage