This article by E.J. Dionne Jr. is published by The Washington Post. Here is an excerpt:
Who is really “soft on crime?” The gun lobby and all who coddle it, particularly those who serve in the U.S. Senate and on the Supreme Court.
If you want to talk about those blinding themselves to rising violence, start with the politicians and jurists who offer abstract and ahistorical readings of the Second Amendment to prevent mayors, police officers and lawmakers from getting guns off our streets.
Consider how distorted our political dialogue has become, abetted by how the politics of crime are covered in the media. A dead-as-a-doornail slogan, “defund the police,” continues to take center stage. But a genuinely powerful movement that handcuffs efforts to fight mayhem by stemming the flow of guns into our neighborhoods continues to get a pass.
Read the full story here.
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