When Trump went to NATO this week, he was pressuring our allies to go from spending 2% of their GDP on defense to 4%. Take a guess what country will benefit from arms sales? You got it, the USA. He has also threatened our NATO partners with the American military leaving the region if they don’t ante up with more money for the cost of protection.
I live in Chicago and this sounds to me like good old mob-style extortion. He should be arrested under the RICO act as well as the rest of the Republican Party. Now he’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki, at the time that we have gone from spending $500 billion on defense in 2016 to $700 billion in 2018.
He’ll come back from the summit the victor, but let me guess, he’ll want to spend more on defense, an already abused monopoly that rips us off continually that have often been fined for corruption. But as you know a tiger does not change his stripes.
We can’t afford this, we already are due for a recession. Our NATO partners can’t afford this even if the World Bank is loaning them money to do so. America and Europe should be spending money on infrastructure and education. Their time should be spent on fair trade, building foreign policies that promotes peace, and promoting good will through human aid.
Yet, Trump is doing everything he can to cause a depression and a world war. As we’ve been told many times: when America sneezes the world catches a cold. China has been having economic problems as of late, England left the EU and the EU is practicing the trickle down economics of Reagan that led to America’s ongoing economic demise. Such economic policies killed Russia after Gorbachev so they had to go back to their old ways. It was during that critical time in Russia that the West set them up for failure by promoting the same system that’s killing our economy.
Now Trump is trying to outdo Reagan but it won’t work, it will never work. The mad man needs to be stopped. Trump and the Republican Supreme Court Justices need to be impeached before they cause any more damage to this country and the wider world.
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