The impeachment of Donald J. Trump has left a contemptuous feeling in the air. It is a feeling of defiant and total opposition. It is a destructive layout of infection, making some people suffocate and others have succumbed to it. At the beginning of all this spectacle, things were disagreeable, uncomfortable but one could still swallow and breathe. Now, after three and a half years of destruction, one can actually feel the build-up of uncertainty. It is domineering oppression that comes out of the airwaves. It internalizes in your being, leaving one gasping for air. These feelings of frustration, despair and hysteria are shared by many, many Americans today.
If you turn the television to CNN, ABC or CBS, one can get facts but, at any given time, turn it to FOX News and it is like living in another world or in two different realities. Fox News encourages consumers to be part of a community that is cult-like. This is where Trump and followers can dictate and brainwash an audience with propaganda. The stories and conspiracy theories that FOX exposes, on a daily occurrence, can literally alter your mind. So much misinformation, coming out the mouth of those so-called FOX conspiracy theorists, that it is Unbelievable and hard to understand why in America there’s such a propagandist means of communication.
Americans, today, are consumed with so much disinformation. Most of these made-up stories are coming from the White House, so it tends to be believable. These untruths, as crazy as they are, are causing so much division in this country. It has become so hard to get away from all of this drama especially when social media promotes it. These misinformation campaigns are everywhere; they are in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. People are believing these campaigns because they have the need to belong to something or someone; although believing all of this propaganda doesn’t create truth, it creates more division. It is as if, all of these untruths are becoming the way of life in America. America has become as polarized as Russia, Venezuela or even China where propaganda permeates everything.
The President of the United States is feeding us propaganda. Every time he opens his mouth to speak, it’s an untruth. He is using the same strategies Putin and Hitler used to desensitized people. In this way, you don’t get to see the damage that he’s doing to our country. The damage that has been inflicted on people. The damage that he has already done around the world is immense, so harsh and darn right dangerous to our relationships with our allies.
Sadly, our truth around the world has now become a lie since nobody knows what to believe anymore. The world watches, as we allow the liar-n-chief to destroy America’s sovereignty. It has become so hard to keep up with the truth that fear for this country is beginning to take center stage. Fear about tomorrow! Fear for anyone that might not agree with this President. Fear for the state of our democracy! Everywhere there’s news about Donald Trump and is coming out at the speed of light.
Every day the following words are on screen. Breaking News! Breaking News! Donald Trump is everywhere saying ugly things, insulting someone, talking about terrorizing or punishing the opposition. Mostly, every anchor in FOX News TV station, repeats all of the nonsensical verbiages Trump spits out and, to the astonishment of many, some followers believe all of these fabrications and so condemning innocent people becomes an outcome. How can this be? Trump literally set people up against each other. All the main functions of American life have been disrupted and all that is left now is just chaotic relationships like neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend and the inevitable, government against the people. SCARY! Many warnings have been sent out to the public, through the media, but who’s listening!
This is no laughing matter! America is going through a transformation and this change is designed by Trump and his Republican Party. America is being tested and it’s downright scary! It’s hard to think that our democracy is being chipped away a little bit at a time. It feels as if we’re under a regime! It feels as if we’re under siege! Trump’s Regime! It’s like America has fallen into a black hole and it’s under a dictator’s reign.
Has America been captured? We know that the Republicans have the White House. They have the Senate. They have placed over 175 judges in different federal offices and they have Bill Barr-the AG, too. We also know that Trump has been transferring funds from areas that cover disaster zones to a Wall Fund. We’re talking about billions of dollars! He claimed that these funds are to build the border wall. Really, who knows if this is true? No one knows. What we do know is that tax-payers are covering all of these billions that he is redirecting to a border wall and taking it away from needy citizens.
Could it be that this money is being used to payoff Republicans so that they can follow alongside and support Donald Trump? Some kind of pay-off is going on because these senators are not scared like everyone suggests. They are supporting Trump because they are greedy. They are after the money and power! Does anybody know what is going on with these funds? Does anyone care? The Republican Party has taken our country into an abyss of greediness and dictatorship. It seems as if we are in the middle of this hole surrounded by a dark cloud and there is no way out.
Banana Republic
The sobering effects of impeachment, from the past few weeks, is beginning to set in. It’s very hard to grasp the idea that The House of Representatives has been reduced to having no authority. No power! As a separate but equal branch of government and, who have the right of keeping the president in-check, their powers have diminished with the Senate‘s acquittal of Trump. The House of Representatives has been downgraded to a simple committee. This is incredible. This situation is very dark and scary! Are there still three branches of government in America? What can be done about the current political status in this country?
Well, in countries where there are dictatorships, unethical governments, the people usually would form and organize large groups to protest that government and in the process, they would overthrow the oppressor. Remember, this is what Trump has claimed that was done to him by the Democrats. He has insisted over and over that Democrats are trying to overthrow his presidency. According to Courtney Subramanian, “Trump claims DOJ inspector general report shows ‘attempted overthrow’ of the government.”
This is what President Trump believes. It is also what his administration and followers are believing, too. However, facts show this to be a falsehood. Had it been so Trump would have no power!
Let it be known, this is not what’s being advised. What is suggested; however, is for millions and millions of Americans to come out, on Election Day, and vote this man out of office. Let all Democrats, Republicans and Independents come out and vote and, let us turn those Republican states blue. This will surely send this administration the message that we want a decent, respectful, empathetic and democratic government. We can vote Donald Trump out of office! Like our former President Obama said, “Yes we can”!
We ought to stand up together as a people, as Americans, and fight for our democracy. I’m afraid if we don’t, we might be seeing the last of our republic. We must vote him out on Election Day! Donald Trump and all of the Republican senators must be stopped on their tracks from running for office. We need to be vigilant against foreign countries intervening in our elections. In addition, we must also be vigilant of those cheating at home, too. Let’s hold everyone of these usurpers accountable!
This President is now emboldened, since his acquittal from the senate, and wouldn’t hesitate to ask Russia for help again. Vladimir Putin hates America so much, he is always on standby to give Trump aid. Remember what Nancy Pelosi said, “all roads lead to Putin”. In order to not have a dictator like Putin, we must take Donald Trump out of the White House.

Realistically speaking
Democrats have been placed in a powerless position by this administration and, without an effective strategy to break the enclosed circle of the Republican Senate, Washington can not move forward. Everyone says, “let’s wait till elections”. “Let the American people’ vote him out“, We want to wait and let the people decide, however; what if waiting helps Trump more. We don’t want to take a chance of having Trump in office again; lucky for us, our democracy still stands, therefore, we must follow the law. We must vote this man out of the White House. Otherwise, we might be forced to live without the freedoms that we enjoy today!
Our duty as citizens is to take down this dictator and we can accomplish this by coming out in bulk and voting Democratic up and down the ballot. Let’s show Donald Trump and his goons that the United States and Americans are better than how he has been portraying us around the world. Let us fight to keep our democracy, for us, for our children’s sake and for future generations to come.
Innocent people
Everyone has a role in this consequential election, yet Hispanics, hold a key to take us over the top! If all Hispanics vote Democratic, we should be fine. Please remember what this President has done to innocent Hispanic children and to their parents. Remember the horrors that have been happening at the border. Our children have been displaced away from parents. Many have died trying to cross over to the U. S. border because of the abuse they have endured. The suffering they were subjected to in their countries. Many innocent children were and are still in cages and many have never reunited with their families.
Many were taken away from their parents and placed in different places. Up to now, many children and parents haven’t been reunited. Some of these children are as young as one year old. And to this day, he continues tormenting Hispanic families instead of giving them political asylum. If only Trump had a heart! Only then he would see that these are good people that are trying to do what’s right for their families. After all, these families are trying to get away from the oppression in their countries.
Worse disaster under Trump’s watch
This president has allowed many, many Hispanics to perished under his watch. On September 20, 2017, hurricane María hit the island of Puerto Rico with devastating consequences.
In an article in The Atlantic on August 28, 2018, Vann Newkirk II stated that “Puerto Rico’s disaster-response and disaster-communications preparedness were woefully inadequate. Instead of including scenarios involving multiple systems failures, as specified in the Department of Homeland Security preparedness guidelines for the kind of Category 3 hurricanes the Caribbean regularly faces, the island territory was only prepared for Category 1 storms.” Furthermore, according to Vann Newkirk II, “a new, definitive study from George Washington University finds that almost 3,000 people lost their lives—and highlights the government’s failures before and after the storm.”
Newkirk II cited the example below from AP: “Efrain Perez died inside an ambulance after being turned away from the island’s largest public hospital days after Hurricane Maria when the facility had no electricity or water“.
“The 95 percent confidence interval, or the range in which researchers can reasonably expect the precise total to fall, is from 2,658 to 3,290 dead. Any of these numbers—from the low to the high end—would make Hurricane Maria one of the most massive disasters of any kind in modern American history.”
As a consequence of Trump’s inadequate response, over 3000 people died due to complications after María’s devastation. Up to today, Puerto Rico hasn’t gotten the necessary aid it needs and Trump is still fighting to stop Puerto Rico from getting it.
Under this administration, Hispanics have no chance of thriving in a free society. It’s very sad to say but to President Trump and the Republican Party, Hispanics are like the Jews that were innocently killed by Adolf Hitler! This President just wants to see us dead! This includes Hispanic Americans, children and adults alike. It doesn’t matter because for Trump and his administration, all Hispanics are of an inferior race. He wants us out of this country, period!
The U.S. President has denied funds to help Americans in a life and death crisis!
To all Hispanics
Even though, it seems like there’s no way out, we
must not loose hope! There has to be a way out! This great democracy could not have stood 243 years for nothing; therefore, the founders thought about everything and, if we follow our constitution carefully, we will succeed in keeping our republic. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Let’s join together to fight for the soul of America!
Freedom and bravery
To all Americans whether you’re green, yellow, black or white, let’s FIGHT for our country NOW! Let’s not allow Trump along with Mitch McConnell and Republican senators to dictate our future in this country. Let us stand and fight for our rights and the rights of all Americans . Let’s stand for the rights of our fellow brothers and sisters no matter where they are from. Do not allow this President to win again! Do not allow Mitch McConnell to win or any Republican Senator for that matter. Let’s keep our Democracy! Let’s keep our republic! We are better than Trump thinks we are! We are better than Trump says we are!
david anderson says
Good article.
I think as dangers to our democracy go, the facebook news feed makes Fox look small.