There is a parable about a boy who would cry wolf and people would come out to help this troublesome deviant when in actual fact there was no wolf or attack so they would leave shaking their heads in disbelief. This act continued several more times until one day!
Well, the wolf has been attacking our world non-stop and we just ignore it. It’s just the way it is; we would say. Politicians are corrupt, big business does not have a heart and we just go on our miserable ways.
Even when our country overthrows the government of another country by means of a coup, we just sigh ah, and say it’s just another day who cares? The press would go on to sanitize our actions, reporting, for example, that the President who was toppled was corrupt, a dictator, a socialist.
Evo Morales, one victim too many
Misguided people claim that socialism is no workable form of government. Be that as it may, I am of the conviction that former Bolivian leader, Juan Evo Morales Ayma, was a good man. He was violently attacked, along with several members of his cabinet and their families during a coup that removed him from power in November 2019.
Morales stepped down, I believe momentarily, to save lives, to live to fight another day. Unlike what we are made to think, the truth is he is much beloved by his people. He won the last elections in 2014 by a huge margin.
Against the backdrop of Morales’ redistributionist program, it is my belief that it was Corporate America along with the CIA who staged the November 2019 coup in Bolivia as we seek to protect our vested interests in Bolivia’s mineral resources, specifically coveting the country’s huge lithium reserves.
Bolivia was poised to control the world supply thereof, and our kleptocracy decided that they would like to have direct oversight of this resource and profit from it undisturbed!
A call to action in the face of a complicit American news media
We can’t trust our news media because they give out a lot of false information. In the case of Bolivia, the American news media said everything but the truth! Some small article here or there might have mentioned more accurate facts but these articles, as usual, were in the minority!
And again we as a people just ignore what our leadership is doing to our neighbors around us! But in doing so we are encouraging the corrupt to embezzle a little more! Every, “I don’t care” attitude empowers the fiends to stick another victim in the back for another bloodletting! Where the hell is the Christian Church! The so-called liberal class and United Nations!
Well, our government has disemboweled the decisions of the United Nations, starting “again” with Reagan. You need what I call enforcement to empower the decisions of the United Nations.
Unfortunately, not too many people have gone against us as of late, only a few Saudi Arabian terrorists who wanted to learn to fly planes! Sorry, I digress: we need to engage, and cry wolf, once more! And point out, as a matter of necessity, the CIA and Corporate America, somewhat the masterminds of our indecorous foreign policy in our Latin American backyard!
Carolyn J Jones says
I agree. Very good article.