From BuzzFeed News:
American voters are used to the “first past the post” system, where the candidate who gets the most votes in any given race wins — even if they don’t win the majority of votes. But this method, used by the United Kingdom and many of its former colonies, has a serious weakness: Getting the most votes doesn’t mean you have the most support.
This isn’t rocket science. In a four-person race, a candidate can win with just over a quarter of the vote, even if the other three-quarters of voters can’t stand them. In even more crowded fields, such as the current Democratic presidential primary, candidates can win with even lower shares of the vote.
There’s a voting method that solves this problem. This clearly superior system is already in use around the world, and has been introduced in some US cities too. It’s time the whole country starts voting the right way.
Find out which voting method, read here.
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