Congress and Obama balk and transparency bill loses out in bid to reduce insider trading corrupt
Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
New law closes door on disclosure
The Repository
The issue: Revision of insider-trading lawOur view: Keeping thousands of forms only on paper in D.C. thwarts transparency Amid all the noise that emanates from Washington when Congress is in session, you may remember a brief moment of clarity and wisdom a year ago when legislators passed the STOCK Act.
County seeks transparency in finances
The Register-Mail – Knox County is working on initiatives to allow for more scrutiny over county expenses. At the county’s Finance Committee meeting Wednesday, the group worked on overhauling county purchasing policy as well as a website that will allow for easier public access of bills in front of the County Board.
Two recent meetings of Hermitage advisory boards that were rescheduled “raise Sunshine Act compliance issues,” said a spokesman for a newspaper industry watchdog group. City Manager Gary P. Hinkson said there was no intent by city officials to circumvent the Sunshine Act.
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