This information is from Bill Theobald in The Fulcrum:
President Trump’s proposed budget for next year includes a mix of good and bad news for those interested in democracy and elections.
The plan he unveiled Monday would cut spending 14 percent at the Election Assistance Commission, the federal agency tasked with making sure voting machines are reliable and therefore at the center of efforts to prevent foreign hacking. The $2 million reduction for the fiscal year starting in October would come just as the office is starting to recover after a long run of staffing and budget cuts.
At the same time, the budget calls for spending $1.1 billion on cybersecurity through the Department of Homeland Security. This would increase from 1,800 to more than 6,500 the number of network assessments the agency can conduct, including those of “state and local electoral systems,” the budget proposal says.
Find the full article here.
Lisa Dejardins has also written an article on “5 things you should know about Trump’s 2020 budget proposal”. Read this really interesting article through this link.
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