Lack of accountability
President Trump is emerging as increasingly uncontrollable, unethical and impulsive during the current crisis. He recently allowed the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, a $550 million purse, to spend without oversight or record. This situation is a major setback for American government which is built on accountability. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, should act to put an end to this show of irresponsible government.
Choice of Treasury Secretary
Steve Mnuchin made his fortunes in California off foreclosed homes. Many feel that the people who lost these homes should instead have had government intervention to restructure, lower interest rate or extend the time needed to pay off the homes – some kind of life raft to those drowning financially. Mnuchin who benefited from the misfortunes of those ordinary Americans in California instead became our nation’s purse-holder.
The President has questionable judgment
By appointing Mnuchin to Treasury Secretary, Trump has demonstrated questionable judgement. In light of the nature of Mnuchin’s involvement in the California real estate saga why would he be trusted with such a major relief plan without a paper trail? This only further demonstrates that Trump judgement is questionable.
What Mnuchin should be busy with
I am quite certain that there are other Americans who agree that Mnuchin should instead be in legal battles dealing with what he has done in the past instead of handling our country’s purse. That he is not is unnerving and revolting.
Our choice of leaders
We should support candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who have demonstrated the willingness and outlined credible plans to fix this broken nation. Americans should sanction Trump in the next elections.
Carolyn JONES says
I agree. Secretary Mnuchin should not be able to handle our country:s money. Also, furthermore to have free reign & no accountability is totally unacceptable.
Jack Jones says
You’re right and actually it was 500 billion and not 500 million as stated! If Trump or anybody in his administration , look like they have repented or are being ethical , I’d have no problem but until then, I don’t think they should be given the benefit of the doubt , because Trump does what Trump does best and that is ,destroy everyone and everything around him!
David Anderson says
MANY Trump associates have such shady, unethical backgrounds like MLM schemes (Trump himself, the de Voss family fortune, Ben Carson, etc., mercenaries (Erik Prince, Blackwater and brother of that DeVoss creep), slumlords (Mnuchin apparently, I didn’t know that, thank you), the entire Kushner crime family, that National Enquirer owner (Prick Dick or something?) sleaze bag, and of course the Chriiiiistians (Falwell, jabber in tongues and scamster Paula White). The list is INCREDIBLY long of grifters, con-men and straight out criminals
As I said from day one: “Always, but ALWAYS the sleaziest people around Trump.” The entire Obama admin could barely get a parking ticket between them whereas these Trump slime are a broad based diverse set of criminals. We get the democracy we deserve.
Jack Jones says
Yes , up to this point The Reagan Administration I believe had the most amount of people prosecuted for criminal activity, since Trump worships Andrew Jackson with the economic policies of Reagan , I think were in for a ride! Thank you very very much for reading and commenting, hope to meet you some day! Jack Jones