We all need a sense of community, belonging or familiar existence. We want to be accepted, loved, admired and successful. Societal norms have, however, become hinged on aggression and counter-productive behavior. As I have found lately, our social reality has been constructed for the desired end of making us keep the truth aside, to cause us to be disinterested in topical issues affecting society and instead focus on fleshly things like food, sports, cars, vacations.
How are we, as a corporate community, going to solve the problems that affect the majority, the desperate? How will we address the crisis around climate change? In what way shall we tackle our out-of-control military spending? How will we handle the fight for more accessible and affordable health care? These questions arise because we are faced with a piece of the political machinery that has made life, relationships and community complicated.
Even the educational system these days has too many challenges to overcome because of the high tuition costs, red-tape and the interest-driven curriculum. The system is designed to keep you and me from taking appropriate action. Those who were once considered good have become examples of corruption and the liberal are now neo-liberal, indulging in self-idolatry and the destruction of society. The system is designed to make it hard for us to pull ourselves up, to prevent us from enjoying our basic rights and freedoms
This pack or club mentality has always existed. My belief is that it’s has been upped and raised for the pursuit of greed and profit, to the disgrace of our country, lives, and collective conscience. We have gone along sometimes, so we don’t seem out of place, or strange to the shame of our degenerate attitudes. That’s why we have no hope unless we embrace the truth. We should be merciful, forgiving and humble but it all starts with the truth and collectively rejecting the spin, whatever side of the economic corner you live in.
Gabriel says
Beautifully articulated!
Jack Jones says
Thank you for reading! Democracy Chronicles , is and has been a great voice, for direction and truth! I’m humbled, that you like it and have read it , to your credit as a fellow citizen of peace and balance! Best regards, Jack
Carolyn J Jones says
Excellent article. I thoroughly agree with all your statements and insights.
Carolyn Jones
Jack Jones says
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.
David Anderson says
Indeed! These are the problems we face.
Jack Jones says
Thank you David, untwisting this labrinth of lies is complicated and confusing, you could end up looking like a conspiracy cook to some , or just a troublemaker to most! Our present day ideologies and convictions have been carefully orchestrated to benefit very few , if we don’t start helping everybody , the whole economic system will fail. It’s sad to say but I’m convinced that many of the richest amongst us are ok with this, because they feel that they got theirs and nothing can touch them! But they need to realize that things can even spiral out of their control to the point of total financial break down, even though many of these rich still feel invincible! These arrogant attitudes come from a life of privilege ,success and self confidence. Of course the powerful should feel this way , but the economy is much more dependent from the perspective of the consumer and worker , this blindness will be our undoing , unless we can get our democracy to function again with the details of taxation , wages and spending all functioning in a healthy economic biosphere of truth! Thanks for commenting David! Jack Jones
Jack Jones says
Sorry for misspelling kook and my poor grammar!
Phil says
Knowing the truth sets us free. You point out the distraction that keeps us too busy to think and see what’s really happening. Jack you a light shining on a hill and a bit of a philosopher.
Jack Jones says
I’ll say it again , I love you Phil !