This information is from Government Technology by Jessica Mulholland:
There’s no question — the U.S. election system is vulnerable. In fact, it’s even more vulnerable than originally reported following the 2016 election. Government executives at all levels know, and they’re working on the problem, focusing on cybersecurity, inter-agency communication, paper trails and audits.
And the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) is working another angle: In mid-November, it launched #TrustedInfo2020, an education campaign that aims to fight election misinformation by encouraging citizens to “look to their state and local election officials as the trusted sources for election information,” according to the press release.
The nation’s secretaries of state, 40 of whom serve as their state’s chief election official, will guide voters directly to election officials’ websites and verified social media pages to ensure they get accurate election information.
Read the full article here.
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