Russia may have bargained for a less as Ukraine women sex strike means some may lose the chance at love with the international renowned beauties of country. Read more about in the excerpt by Fran Blandy of Agence France Presse from the article “‘Nyet!’: Ukrainian women call sex strike against Russia” right here:
KIEV: Political and economic sanctions may not have dissuaded Russia from annexing Crimea, but a group of Ukrainian women have called for a different kind of embargo: no sex for Russian men. “Don’t give it to a Russian,” is the name of the campaign, which aims to throw cold water on Moscow’s appetite for Ukrainian territory and draw attention to its actions in Crimea.

The campaign was launched on Facebook after Russia officially added the Black Sea peninsula to its map, brushing off international fury and fanning fears of further intervention in Russian-speaking parts of the former Soviet country. “You need to fight the enemy in every way you can,” organizers urge fellow patriotic women on their website. But there is more to the campaign than stopping cross-cultural liaisons.
Also, the Daily Beast article “Ukrainian Women’s Lysistrata Moment: Sex Strike Against Russian Men” has more information on the group behind the effort:
Call me when you’ve left Crimea, Ivan. The ‘Don’t Give It to a Russian’ campaign enlists Ukraine’s women in the boycott of Russian-made goods. On the heels of of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, while the U.S. and EU threaten sanctions against the Kremlin, Ukrainian women have adopted their own extreme measure to pique Putin’s interest: swearing off sex with Russian men. The women behind the sex-strike campaign, called Don’t Give It to a Russian, are doing their part to contribute to a larger boycott of Russian-made goods, urging other Ukrainian ladies via their Facebook page to “fight the enemy by whatever means”—to keep their legs crossed at all costs, in this case.
The campaign reportedly borrowed its “Don’t Give It to a Russian” slogan from Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko’s 1838 verse—Kateryna: “Fall in love, O dark-browed maidens, but not with Moskaly [the Russians].” And the initiative already has its own line of T-shirts bearing the slogan and their not-so-subtle logo (two hands cupped together to resemble a vagina). The initiative has successfully ignited a media frenzy and pissed off a few Ivans, who denounced its female organizers as prostitutes. In turn, the group has appealed to their Russian sisters on Facebook: “Our men are still at home, but yours appear to be going to war.”
It is time to reconsider perhaps?

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