On Filming Election Reformers
We have two potential interviews lined up if we can secure enough support. First up, potentially, is the first African-American Mayor of New York City David Dinkens. The Design of a Broken System documentary’s Adrian Tawfik has been in contact with Mayor Dinkens’ staff already and they are very positive. Dinkens served as the 106th Mayor of New York City from 1990 to 1993, a crucial period for the city’s modern transformation. He has always been a strong supporter of the universal right to vote in America.
Another potential interview would be Stephanie Singer who is City Commissioner of Philadelphia managing elections and voter registration in America’s 5th largest city by population! She also writes for Democracy Chronicles about elections in her city and beyond.
These interviews would require travel though and this is a good example of why we need your support on Kickstarter today. Make a donation, add to your previous donation, or get a friend to donate! Support this documentary!
No issue is untouched by America’s system of corruption:
- climate
- healthcare
- wall st
- taxes
- debt
- war
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