Returning Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Day remembrance key in trying transition to civilian life
Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
On Veterans Day, the greatest wound for many is loss of purpose
The Christian Science Monitor
For Capt. Kyle Snook, military service runs in the family. His grandfather, retired Col. Robert Gerard, served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Snook’s parents, retired Cols. Kathleen and Scott Snook, were both members of West Point’s class of 1980, where his mother was among the first graduating.
Veterans Day: When vets run afoul of the law, these courts care
The Christian Science Monitor
In a downtown building that looks like a bunker, Judge Robert Russell Jr. ascends to the bench of his courtroom with a greeting that more closely resembles an Army cadence than a call to order. “Good afternoon!” Judge Russell says to those assembled before his bench. “Good afternoon, Judge!” they yelled.
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