Proof of citizenship requirements have placed an added burden on citizens looking to vote. A recent post from the Brennan Center had the latest:
Officials on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission announced in a federal court filing today that they’re split along partisan lines over whether the panel’s executive director acted within his authority last year when he allowed three states to include documentary proof of citizenship requirements on federal voter registration forms. The disagreement means that the September 2016 injunction against the burdensome registration requirements stills stands.
The memo, filed by commissioners in federal district court today, discussed Executive Director Brian Newby’s decision to grant the federal form requests at issue in the case. Two commissioners, Chair Matthew Masterson and Christy McCormick, both Republicans, found that Newby had the authority to do so. One, Thomas Hicks, a Democrat, found that he did not and wrote separately to that effect.
See more here. And also take a look at this report from NPR:
A federal appeals court has blocked a proof-of-citizenship requirement on a federal mail voter registration form in Kansas, Alabama and Georgia. The case pits Brian Newby, U.S. Election Assistance Commission executive director who argues that the requirement prevents voter fraud, against the League of Women Voters, which argues the documentation requirement disenfranchises voters.
Newby approved the three states’ request for the proof-of-citizenship requirement in January, which meant that voters registering had to show documentation such as a birth certificate or a passport.
“This action has illegally kept voters from the polls, caused confusion, and threatened the lawful voter registration efforts of the League and other groups,” the League said in a statement. Its president, Chris Carson, said the requirement had amounted to “thinly veiled discrimination.” Carson praised the ruling blocking it and said that “we should be making voting easier, not harder. All eligible Americans deserve the opportunity to register and vote without obstacles.”
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