Why would anyone want to follow this president to war, even considering the a long line of unjust American wars? The start of this country resulted in the genocide of 60 million Native Americans and just when we had a chance to do right by them, and while they were trying to save the drinking water for 7 million Americans, we sprayed them with rubber bullets, tear gas and barking dogs, in front of the many women and children who were in attendance. Who will teach these Washington DC chicken hawks right from wrong?
Is it War Again?
Iran has kept its end of the nuclear deal and to start a war with Iran or put sanctions back on them would be criminal. I know there’s a lot of money to be made but we haven’t even done right by the soldiers who fought for this nation under George Bush Jr..
Who will speak up for these poor kids that the unscrupulous have called to fight? Who will speak up for the poor Iranians who are being caught up in the crosshairs? President Trump is trying to gather another 80,000 soldiers to make our country military ready. Good luck with that.
So far he hired another 1000 recruiters to fulfill this mission, so much for the all-volunteer army of Bush and Rumsfeld. Little known to most people was Bush Jr’s court martial of soldiers for showing signs of war fatigue. This story was first aired on NPR, but was pulled shortly after, hardly ever to be covered again. I can still remember watching U.S. soldiers going to the VA hospital with missing limbs on my way to work day after day after day.
U.S. Secretary of Defense General Jim Mathis is asking for 30 NATO divisions in case of a Russian attack. Nobody wants to attack us. We create our own problems and we have them cornered and if they do attack. I believe at this point we would be the ones doing the provoking.
We are still putting advisors in the Ukraine training Ukrainians to fight against Russia, sound familiar? Not to mention we’re still in Afghanistan, just one country away from the Russian border. We were having war games in South Korea until recently that were even upsetting relations with China. We have a major military base in Germany, Poland just offered us 2 billion dollars for a permanent base and we recently had a war game exercise with 18,000 troops called “Saber strike“ exercise which involved Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and 17 other Allied countries.
Again we basically have Russia surrounded. Remember what happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis? It was the closest we ever came to nuclear annihilation.
So now we are putting ten times the stress on Russia and that’s ok? Finland has been working on a huge war game for 2020 that is 3 years in the making and is on the Russian border. The U.S. has been doing military exercises in Sweden. Norway has asked the U.S. to double the U.S. soldiers stationed there and plans to move the soldiers closer to the Russian border.
In February of this year, Bloomberg said 8 out of 10 jobs are still unfilled at the State Department while still fresh on my mind is the memory of Secretary of State Jim Mathis saying “if you don’t fund the State Department fully then I’ll need to buy more ammunition ultimately”.
We have to worry if Trump plans to go to war to win re-election as a war president, like George Bush Jr. before him. And would he go to war just to please munition manufactures? He already signed the biggest defense spending bill in U.S. history at $1.3 trillion with $700 billion going to the Department of Defense alone. What’s he trying to accomplish? Reagan did the same when he was President, including the never developed or deployed Star Wars missile defense system, and we know what happened to the middle class because of Reagan’s actions. Do we really need another arms race with Russia or anywhere else? Been there, done that.
David Anderson says
excellent article.
Going back on the Iran deal has nothing to do with what’s the best course of action – everybody knows that except Netanyahu who I think possibly wants a war. Trump is doing this b/c his base love a foreign adversary to rally behind the flag for. Its an old playbook trick for all the Republican prezs – Reagan had Cuba and the terror of Nicaragua, and ultimately Grenada, to fire up those engines. Oh. Lebanon.
With Bush family it was all about Iraq of course. Trump needs somebody and NK would be too dangerous. What they don’t seem to get is attacking or provoking Iran too much is just as dangerous. Countries that don’t threaten us at all. Quite the opposite.
Jack Jones says
I agree with you, My concern is Trump shoots from the hip, I think he’s starting to be cornered and I’m not sure Secretary of State Kelly has a functional relationship with him. Iran has oil, Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia have a big influence over him and I don’t think anybody is really out of his crosshairs even if their dangerous and mean us no harm especially brown people. The fact that it’s a stupid Idea is exactly what worries Me with this President.