Non Profit Vote published a video on a recent webinar event, titled “Understanding Who Turned Out to Vote in 2018”, that is highly recommended. Speakers used in-depth analysis with the help of graphs and charts to digest the peculiarity of this year’s election. Here is a brief description:
Early analysis shows this election had the highest voter turnout rate in a midterm election since 1966. Who are the voters driving the surge? What factors made a difference this year? And, what could this mean for 2020?
Break down this year’s voter turnout with helpful graphs that bring much-needed context to a contentious election cycle that had 35 seats in the Senate up for election, 39 governorships, and ALL 435 House of Representatives seats. To understand who voted, experts from the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) and Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) will join us to look at recent trends and midterm turnout among young people and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – key groups with a history of low participation and potential to swing elections.
Speakers at the event were:
- Christine Chen: Presenter and moderator of the event
- Eric Salcedo: National Field Director APIAVote;
- Abby Keisa: Director of Impact at CIRCLE;
- Michael McDonald: Associate Professor at University of Florida
The event lasted about an hour. Take a look!!
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