Bangkok Thailand hosted union of activists for education of visually impaired from across world
WBU – ICEVI 2012 Concludes Successful Assembly | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
BANGKOK, Nov. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The World Blind Union (WBU) and International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) have successfully concluded its Joint General Assembly in Bangkok with commitments from around the world to drive toward a happy society dedicated to coexistence. With more than 120 participating countries, the assembly produced hundred research reports and showcased a number of innovations to promote better living and independence. These works will help to improve the quality of life of blind people around the world.
On this occasion, Thailand announced its readiness to serve as a prototype for answering strategic questions from the blind worldwide under the “TAB-Telephony Daisy: 1414”. The project was designed to create access to knowledge and career building for the blind. Among the careers being promoted is Thai Massage. France, South Africa, Malaysia, Mongolia, Laos, Congo, Senegul and Burundi have responded to the projects.
The World Blind Union 8th General Assembly (WBU GA) and the International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment General Assembly (ICEVI GA) have seen progress in terms of their strategy to develop the quality of life of the blind in four areas: the right to read, access to technology, employment and education for all. To Make Rights Real for Persons with Disabilities, as well, the collaboration is aimed at promoting the passage and enforcement of laws for the blind.
Senator Monthian Buntan, a member of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) committee and chairman of the WBU-ICEVI 2012 organizing committee, announced at the assembly: “Thailand is the first country to offer concrete help that comprehensively responds to the demands of blind people via two prototype projects: “TAB-Telephony Daisy: 1414″ and the Thai Massage. Currently, many countries are interested in participating.”
The TAB-Telephony Daisy: 1414 was initiated by Thailand Association of the Blind. After seven years of study and research, the association has been able to create a knowledge base that integrates a call center for news and information with an online audio library. Now it is ready to share its experience with other countries. Those that have responded to the project include Malaysia, Mongolia, Laos, France and countries from southern Africa.
“Meanwhile, career building is the most common problem among the blind worldwide, directly affecting their quality of life because sighted people lack confidence in the potential of blind people,” Mr. Monthian said. “In this regard, Thai Massage serves perfectly as the beginning of a career building strategy for the blind to earn their own living.”
“The Thailand Association of the Blind is now ready to offer support with free accommodation for as long as four months. We are confident that once trained, blind people from foreign countries will be able to go back home and start their own careers.”
Participants in WBU-ICEVI 2012 also showed their support at the assemblies, stating that Thai massage represents local knowledge that blind people will be able to practice to become skillful. “It is a potential career that the blind worldwide can use to earn their living,” Mr. Monthian added. “Member countries that responded to this project include those from southern Africa, Congo, Senegal and Burundi.”
For more information, please contact Public Relations, Miss Vorapa +66-81-310-4755
Or follow our movements via www.wbu-icevi2012.org
SOURCE Thailand Association of the Blind
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