IDEA had this really interesting article on gender and politics:
Jacqueline Pozo, a young woman from Cochabamba and a mother, is currently a departmental assembly member. Despite the enormous difficulties that the exercise of politics entails for a woman, she became President of the Departmental Legislative Assembly and knew how to promote the Violence Against Women Law in her department.
“Definitely for us women, politics is a battlefield, each time they seek to close spaces for us and they do it naturally, they do not even realize what is wrong by not seeing us as equals. The support of International IDEA to strengthen my leadership as a young woman and as a woman has given me tools to survive on this battlefield and achieve my goals ”, said Jacqueline Pozo.
In another corner of the country, Mariela Baldivieso, a young woman from Tarija, mother and activist for children’s rights, managed to stand out as an exemplary citizen in her department, being a key pillar in the national campaigns to become a National Deputy. Mariela began as a young activist from an early age, she comes to political life to enhance her advocacy capacity and she was elected in 2020.
Read the full article here.
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