We know that consumerism – a social and economic order and ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-greater amounts – can be a disheartening experience of dependence
Handmade Paper: Everything Begins Once Upon a Time
The manufacture of handmade paper has not changed much since its inception and today the making of handmade paper remains in an interesting evolution.
In Front of Us: On Freedom of Expression and Education
Have you not ever felt weird when having a full plate in front of you, remembering that others don’t have much to eat? That weird feeling is called consciousness, which implies empathy with other human beings, appreciating and not taking for granted something that others, so many others, don’t have and didn’t have
David, Goliath and the Deaths of Unarmed Black Men
In light of the recent protests calling attention to the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police, I recall photos of fishermen in small boats braving huge military ships during the Navy occupation of the Island of Vieques.
The Judgement Stand: Stereotyping Poverty
The welfare system was not invented by the poor. It is meant to be a response to the state of poverty produced by the financial crisis characteristic of capitalist economies. The workforce reduction in an economic crisis automatically and inevitably produces a level of unemployment that is not accidental.
The Name Given: Exposing the Real Christopher Columbus
The real Christopher Columbus: “They have no weapons and are all naked and with no experience of arms, so that a thousand of them would not stand up to three of us, and so they are suitable to take orders and be made to work, sow and do anything else that may be needed.”
Each Will Know His Own
Things would progress faster and further if we would question: WHY do we classify people? Let’s enable, expect and encourage multiplicity while simultaneously acknowledging the marvelous singularity of life.
Modern Times: Actions SPEAK Louder Than Words
The growing demands at the workplace mean human beings, who are not machines, have less time for themselves, for their psychological well-being.
An Episode of Capitalism & Consumerism vs. Nature
The intensification of the anti-consumer surge is connected to Marxist ideas as Marxists are “repackaging themselves” in anti-consumerism.
An Appeal for New Writers
Written exchanges can enrich one’s life or hold it back, depending on how much attention and care one gives to them.