Massachusetts ballot access changes include early voting, online registration and 17-yr old voting
NY Transparency Activist Reimbursed by Town After Win
NY transparency activist reimbursed after suing for more information from his local government
Call for Reinvigorated African Democracy in 21st Century
Reinvigorated African democracy is vital to making the rise of Africa become the story of the 21st century
Film Shows Hurricane Sandy’s Effect on Elections
Hurricane Sandy’s effect on elections spread across region but most communities fought to vote
Townhouses, Makeup Artists, and Election Money
Artists, and Election Money: Citizens United has enabled waste on consultants amid lobbying
Trojan War Play Through the Lens of Iraq War
Troy! Troy! Troy! retells the story through a Trojan War play through the lens of America’s experience in Iraq and the subsequent global financial crisis
League of Women Helping Students Inside Albany
Students Inside Albany is push by NY League of Women Voters for civic education
Women Smuggles Poems Out of China House Arrest
In house arrest with her Nobel Prize winning husband, Liu Xia somehow smuggles poems out of China
Controversial Pakistan Lawyer Defending Musharraf
Controversial lawyer defending Musharraf, Pakistan’s ex-dictator, being harassed outside of court
Electronic Voting Advances in Small Town Massachusetts
Westborough Massachusetts moves forward with free-trial offer as electronic voting advances