Erika Harold has shaken-up Illinois Congressional vote after announcement that former Miss America running for Congress. Harold has been gaining popularity with her activism against bullying and for abstinence from sex
Thousands March for Democracy in Hong Kong
Massive Chinese march for democracy in Hong Kong to demand vote for globalized megacity
Over 100 Journalists Murdered During Last Year
Under assault across the world with spiking violence in Middle East, many journalists murdered during last year
Helping Women Succeed in State Government
Ensuring women succeed in state government is major area of opportunity for younger generation
Momentous India Corruption Law Signed Into Law
Major public pressure force through major legislation as India corruption law signed in Parliament
Nation Praised for Releasing Burma Political Prisoners
Major reform away from dictatorship in Myanmar as last releasing Burma political prisoners is done
Arvind Kerjiwal First Delhi Changes Closely Watched
After taking politics by storm with independent campaign, Arvind Kerjiwal first Delhi changes eyed
Law Will Legalize and Institutionalize Saudi Dictatorship
Many observers warn law signifies move to institutionalize Saudi dictatorship refusing any reform
No More Burma Political Prisoners Left in Jail
Government claims all Burma political prisoners left in jail for political reasons have been freed
17-yr olds Sign-up to Vote in Illinois County
Cook County, Illinois has begun a program where it is possible for all 17-yr olds sign-up to vote and participate in major experiment in voting age