Gains of BJP party and popularity of rising Modi to be tested in local India elections ahead of Presidential vote later
Over 100 Veterans Serve in Congress
First they serve in America’s many wars then the veterans serve in Congress as dominant force
The Journey of Dr. Wang Bingzhang (Part 2)
Dr. Wang BingZhang: ‘The road ahead will be thorny and arduous, but it will be the road to light and hope.’
Klingon From Star Trek Wins New York Election
Actor who played famous Klingon Empire warrior on cult-sci fi show Star Trek wins New York election in first of growing Klingon Empire (State)
Seamstress to Run for President of Chile
A humble seamstress to run for President of Chile is said to be very down to Earth, with fiery rhetoric and a mastery of the problems of the poor
VIDEO: Freedom Songs of Civil Right Era
Political change was aided by litany of Freedom Songs written to demand rights and voting access during momentus 1960s era of songs of Civil Right Era
Celebrating Guy Fawkes Anti-Government Holiday
Celebrating Guy Fawkes Day is national pride of England and international anti-government symbol
Political Campaigns Can Now Accept Bitcoin Donations
Internet currency has just enter weird world of money in American elections with Bitcoin donations
Losing Time to Implement Ukraine EU Entry Reforms
Demands of necessary Ukraine EU entry reforms face test in chaotic Parliament of giant country
Cuomo Under Fire Related to NY Anti-Corruption Unit
New York Governor Cuomo under fire and now faces questions as corruption unit denies he interfered in work