Myanmar Farmer: One poor farmer is taking full advantage of Myanmar’s political transition
ACLU Lawsuit for Clean Mississippi Elections
Rights group ACLU sues to ensure voting right of clean Mississippi elections across many counties
Voters to Have Long List of Oregon Election Choices
Ballot to include multiple voter referendums and strong list of Oregon election choices on issues
Small Towns Stand Against Fracking
New York towns stand against fracking and score a victory against the all powerful oil industry
Bus Tour for Voting Rights Finishes Journey
Alabama bus tour for voting rights call for Americans is: “Never Forget, Never Again”
Massachusetts Election Turns to Influence of Money
Political campaign finance reform becomes Massachusetts election issue with rising influence of money
Sharif Poised to Win Pakistan PM Vote
Violent elections show depth of issues to be faced any winner of Pakistan PM vote
More Florida Transparency But More Money as Well
Governor Scott signs bill for more Florida transparency but guts limits on money at the same time
Bergen County NJ Raises Election Donor Limits
Large New Jersey county moves in wrong direction to allow more leniency for election donor limits
Broad Push for Louisiana Term Limits Blocked in House
Legislator lost battle to introduce Louisiana term limits across state offices to stop corruption