Look at This New Haiku by Claire Bocage, a democracy artist! Her artistry has its own DC section featuring her work on many different topics and in many different genres!
Large Protest Seeks End to China Land Grabs
Political corruption often leads to conflicts over China land grabs that oust powerless tenants
New Threats to Election Rights of Gays and Lesbians
New legislation in Congress actually puts in danger basic election rights of gays and lesbians
Pakistan’s Musharraf Threatens Return to Government
ex-Dictator Pakistan’s Musharraf threatens return from exile and run for elections in new drama
British PM in Trouble as Elections, Polls Show Threats
David Cameron, British PM in trouble and under increasing pressure as party allies taken losses
Administration Voices Obama Support For Same Sex Marriage
Oral arguments for California’s Proposition 8 begin later this month spark Obama support for same sex marriage
Basketball Star Dennis Rodman Meets North Korea Dictator
North Korea’s new dictator Kim Jong Un celebrates his dangerous nuclear weapon program by inviting list of American celebrities to join in bizarre ceremonies as controversial Dennis Rodman Meets North Korea
Ethiopia Dictatorship Keeps Pressure on Civil Society
Ethiopia dictatorship keeps political repression as the norm with mild economic stability
Bipartisan Coalition to Challenge Too Big To Fail Banks
Too big to fail banks having caused the financial crisis are coming under new scrutiny
Creating Government Bank Designed for Indian Women
Government has been helping the poor but new bank designed for Indian women will focus specifically on their particular issues with many who still often struggle for basics