A robust and vibrant democratic India, with a large economy and a strong military, is an eyesore for Communist authoritarian China.
Task Force to Investigate Election Worker Threats
The DOJ has appointed a task force to investigate election worker threats. The attacks on election workers are the result of the “big lie”.
Wisconsin’s DMV Holds the Keys To Democracy
For most Wisconsin residents, the Department of Motor Vehicles serves as a portal to the right to vote, as well as the right to drive freely.
In Arizona, GOP Strips Power From a Democrat
Republican-led Arizona has shifted authority over election lawsuits from the Sec. of State, a Democrat, to a Republican attorney general.
Why You Should Have the Freedom To Vote By Mail
Voters should be allowed to choose any legal method by which to vote. Notably, all voters should have the freedom to vote by mail.
Court Upholds NJ Law To Limit Money Politics
A federal district court has upheld a New Jersey law that bans banks and other big corporations from making political contributions.
Seattle Voters Increasing Use of Democracy Vouchers
Two new candidates for Seattle Mayor have relied heavily on “democracy vouchers” whose use is increasing in the city’s elections.
Can Mauritians Save A Democracy In Trouble?
Democracy in Mauritius is in trouble. In February, Mauritius ranked as a democratizing state and a month later, one of the most autocratizing.
Connecticut Restores Voting For Citizens On Parole
Connecticut Senate Bill 1202 amends a prior law requiring felons to complete their parole before being permitted to vote again.
How Slovakia Halted Its Democratic Descent
Recent triumphs of Slovakia’s civil society and opposition are a lesson for pro-democracy movements worldwide: change is possible.