Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) reintroduced legislation Wednesday for cybersecurity training grants.
Study: Aggressive Voters Tolerate Uncivil Male Candidates, Not Female Ones
Voters with violent attitudes aren’t disturbed by candidates’ uncivil behavior on the campaign trail, unless the politicians are women.
How Same-Day Voter Registration Can Fight Voter Suppression
Election observers can count on one thing: record turnout would be quickly accompanied by a tidal wave of voter intimidation attempts.
Impunity Reigns Amid Enforced Disappearances of Uganda Opposition
After Uganda’s recent violent national elections, the new spate of enforced disappearances adds to an atmosphere of terror.
Jan 6 a Reminder We Need Transparency in Corporate Political Spending
Shareholders may be unaware of which businesses endorse which politician although money to the sedition caucus may be a risk.
How Political Parties Pressure Legislative Leaders To Raise Money
One of Washington’s dirty little secrets is that both major parties strong-arm legislators into raising massive sums of campaign cash.
Faces of Small Donor Public Financing 2021
Elected officials complain that the campaign finance arms race requires them to devote too much time to raising large sums of money.
Texas Voters With Disabilities Reported Fewer Voting Barriers in 2020
Voters with disabilities can face some challenges when it comes to casting a ballot, including obtaining physical access to a polling site.
Report: India Now As Autocratic As Pakistan, Worse Than Bangladesh
New report shows India is now as autocratic as Pakistan in terms of censorship, and worse than both Bangladesh and Nepal.
Researchers Say That Tactics of Magicians Found In Politics
The psychology used by magicians to trick viewers can also be used to manipulate customer decisions, according to a new report.