Super PACs are a dominant feature of American democracy. However, an obscure Alaska court case could end them, reshaping US democracy.
Kahle: Secret ballots could save democracy
Open ballots may be preventing legislators from voting as they would want to. Last week’s Republican vote on Rep Greene and Liz Cheney showcase this.
Organized crime is exploiting COVID to seize state power
Opportunists have taken advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak. One way this is happening is in organised crime exploiting it to seize power.
Bahrain: 10 years on, pro-democracy movement crushed
10 years on, the demo-optimism that drove the February 2011 movement for democracy in Bahrain as been crushed as the world looks on.
Should California adopt a stricter recall election law?
California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall effort. As this is happening relevant laws are under scrutiny across political lines.
UAE jails Jordanian for 10 years for criticising Jordan’s gov’t
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged in the UAE to immediately release Ahmed Etoum jailed for criticising the government of Jordan.
A Decade After the Arab Spring, Autocrats Still Rule the Mideast
Although the Arab Spring of early 2011 onwards largely failed, it gave the people of the Maghreb and Middle East an appetite for change.
Thai protesters face off against police
The Thais are not giving up the fight against lèse-majesté laws. They returned to the streets to protest, facing off police.
Saudi Women’s Rights Defenders Released, But Not Free
Saudi women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul was released from jail a week ago after 1001 days in detention but risks returning to prison.
How a Joke Ended Up Before Canada’s Top Court
A decade ago, as part of his stand-up act, a Canadian comedian began telling a joke about a disabled young singer.