There is a growing movement in Romania, where plans to excavate a portion of the historic and deeply treasured Carpathian Mountains is already underway
Got Something to Say About American Democracy?
Something to Say? Submit your questions and get yourself a part in our upcoming documentary!!
Record Your Own Questions for Democracy Documentary
Questions for Democracy Documentary: Record yourself and friends asking questions about elections
What’s Wrong with America’s Political System: Its Constitution
Wrong with America: If you had to pick a root cause underlying our broken politics, what would it be and why?
How American Democracy Has Suffered Since 9/11
American democracy has suffered by placing our security over our freedom puts security of our nation at threat
How Success of Election Reforms Will Define America
Is reform of the Constitution the channel of change we need to bring about a more democratic society?
The Future of Democracy in Egypt
As of now Egypt has an omnipotent military, a power hungry executive, a powerless judiciary, and violent subcultural pluralism
Speaking Truth to Authority; The Bradley Manning Case
The phrase that continuously runs through my mind about the Bradley Manning Case is ‘To be silent is to be complicit’: Dr. Margaret Flowers
An American Democracy in Serious Peril
The necessity of economic power has become so essential in politics it is disturbing. A dollar is the new vote and the value of that vote has been rising.
Indefinite Detainment Re-signed by Obama ‘With Concerns’
NDAA resigned by Obama ‘with concerns’; does not mention indefinite detainment of American citizens. Wait a second…