Does Russia spy on the United States? Absolutely. Am I defending Putin as a guy who wears a halo? Absolutely not. Does the United States spy on Russia? Of course; we even spy on our allies as we admitted.
Creating Reality – Yours And The World’s
Reality is molded by our perceptions of concepts expressed by words like democracy, capitalism, and prosperity. People are challenged to envision what democracy and sustainability truly look like.
The Donald Trump Administration: Exposing The Shadow
What is new is a president who makes no attempt to hide his immense personal commercial interests in businesses that are known to be hotbeds of corruption.
Human Consciousness: You As Creator
The power of our perceptions to alter reality is a theme that runs through lectures I’ve given at Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and more than 50 other universities and to over 3,000 executives.
How To Be A Democracy Under Trump
It is up to us to insist upon democracy. It is essential that we continue to demonstrate and march, to bombard Trump and our other elected officials with tweets, posts, phone calls, and emails.
Message From The Legendary Elder Siblings
I’ve written many times about the necessity to move from a Death Economy, based on warfare and ravaging the very resources upon which it depends, to a Life Economy, based on cleaning up pollution
JFK’s Advice For This Hour Of Change And Challenge
People everywhere understand that although the system that’s been in place for roughly a century has created amazing science, technology, medicine, and arts, it has run its course.
Pollution’s Victims From 17th Century Edinburgh to Modern Haiti
Will future generations not marvel at our stupidity? And then of course the follow-on question: Aren’t we intelligent enough to make sure they will not need to ask? Let’s make certain that the answer to this question is YES.
The Perception Bridge: Building A Better Reality
I was in charge of convincing heads of state of countries with resources our corporations covet, like oil, to accept huge loans from Wall Street, the World Bank and its sister organizations.
Sleeping On A Volcano
This is one of the many true and tragic stories I have witnessed – stories that highlight the devastation that follows in the wake of an economic system that I and other economists call the Death Economy