All of us can take a big step toward a more sane Life Economy by saying “no” to debt. Working toward our financial independence in big and small ways gives us peace and freedom from the credit system and its enormous influence.
Keep The Momentum Going To Bring About A Life Economy
What is important today is to recognize that we can and must replace the imagined reality of a Death Economy with a new, more appealing imagined reality of a Life Economy.
Pope Highlights What Indigenous People Can Teach Us
Although he made headlines when, questioned about Donald Trump’s candidacy, he suggested that Christians should build bridges, not walls, much more newsworthy was the Pope’s apology to the indigenous people of Mexico
Does The Next President Matter?
We are faced with a serious crisis as the rhetoric gets worse and political parties seem irrelevant. You and I need to understand the power that we have—each of us as individuals and as a community.
Vote And Then Act In Favor Of Democracy
It is imperative that we get money out of campaigns. Our democratic process is supposed to be one person, one vote. But right now, the political power of corporate executives in fact is worth a lot more than hundreds of votes.
Students Rally To Create New Story
Students rallied on college campuses around the U.S. in the Million Student March to advocate for a minimum wage hike, free tuition and the cancellation of all student debt. We can all be encouraged by this revolution and hope more people will take up the cause.
Making A Better World In The New Year
The idea that our economy can continue destroying the very resources upon which it depends has been exposed as a lie. People everywhere are waking up to the need for change. The Consciousness Revolution is in full swing.
Taking Action In The New Year
You may be making plans now about whom you’ll donate to in the new year or would if you could afford to contribute money at all. It is important to understand that “donating” doesn’t necessarily mean digging into your bank account. You may instead seek to contribute by taking action.
Taxes, Politics, Corporations And You
The American public has been anesthetized into being exploited by tax laws that subsidize the richest people at the expense of the many. Corporations and the rich people who own them avoid billions of dollars in taxes each year.
Reading the Signs of a Failed Global System
Violence only begets more violence, so let’s move forward and work on solutions that involve creating a world that is not just sustainable but also that regenerates devastated environments, offers all people dignity, and supports life in its many various forms.