Will the recent tragedies encourage Washington and our allies to rethink our Middle East policy? Will our leaders ask themselves whether constant war and profits for the corporatocracy are worth the price?
Being Thankful in the Consciousness Revolution
This is a good time to be grateful that you are here, now, to claim your role in this Consciousness Revolution. Allow yourself to give thanks for your place in the world and to delve deeper into understanding your true potential.
The Main Stream Media: Filtered Facts
The main stream media, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, and the other giant networks and empires pretend to tell the unbiased “truth.” However, even a cursory glance is enough to prove their agenda is far from transparent.
Neighbor to Neighbor – a Post 9/11 World
What have we experienced since September 11, 2001? Is our world better, more just, and more unified? Do we have more freedom and equality? Do impoverished people around the planet have greater access to basic necessities?
Timeless Wisdom from the Indigenous Amazon People
Our international group learned from the Indigenous people there about creating a human presence on this planet that will foster environmentally sustainable, socially just, and emotionally and spiritually fulfilling lifestyles, communities, and nations
TPP: For the People or For the Few?
While this issue is a crucial one for all of us, the bigger picture of the TPP is the erosion of power held by the people who vote for these governments and the expansion of control by the few at the top of the food chain.
FIFA vs International Bank Scandals
Arresting members of a multinational sports corporation will not change the way the corporatocracy exploits the people of the world and damages the future for all of us.
Greece: A Prophecy Fulfilled?
Other nations, including the US, should take a lesson from Greece’s precarious circumstances. This situation is not an accident, and the outcome is not likely to be favorable to the people who should matter the most.
Innovation Takes All of Us
Take action; don’t let yourself off the hook. You have more power than you may realize and more power than the Corporatocracy wants you to believe you have. Let’s use our power together to innovate, to shift the message and let the world know that it’s not ok to pursue profits over people
The Hidden Costs and Message of the Cloud
We have led ourselves to believe that the cloud is benign when in fact the truth is that the increasing use of cloud energy has a hidden cost to our society, in dollars and cents, in environmental capital, and in freedom.