The Occupy-Movement has done an internal poll on political parties. But our Democracy Chronicles rank-balloting poll is specifically about party platforms
Vote Now! Rank-Balloting Poll on American Party Platforms
The Occupy-Movement has conducted a poll on political parties. It’s a good idea but we’re now conducting a poll specifically about party platforms.
DC Exclusive: Table of Election Method Properties and Criteria
First-of-a-kind table compares voting systems by properties and criteria for the benefit of the election method reform community and the wider public.
Strategic Clone Nomination in 2012 Presidential Election?
Plurality has clone nomination split-vote problem when there are several identical candidates
Properties Part 5: Majority-Judgment
Majority-Judgment is defined and analyzed in this edition of the Properties Series
Instant Runoff Revisited: Plurality’s Optimal Strategy
Instant runoff revisited: progressive voters know Green Party represents alternative to Democrats
Properties Part 4: Answers Regarding Some Criteria
Regarding some criteria for picking an appropriate election method for national elections
Properties Part 3: Improved Condorcet Election Method
A Improved Condorcet continuation of Ossipoff’s analysis of election method properties and criterion compliance
Properties Part 2: Traditional Unimproved Condorcet Method
Unimproved Condorcet Method: An analysis of properties of traditional unimproved Condorcet voting
How a Progressive Voted Optimally Using Various Election Methods
Michael Ossipoff on How a Progressive Voted Optimally. Ossipoff shows you can use election methods to make your choice