Ron DeSantis swept into office promising freedom to Americans bogged down by on-and-off Covid restrictions, illness, and internecine political warfare.
Florida’s Election Integrity Police Force And DeSantis
Florida voters who died from Covid-19 were lifelong Republicans who consistently voted in primaries and general elections before the virus killed them.
DeSantis Spox Tells The Truth About Covid Vaccines
Lessons from a brief exchange with Christina Pushaw, the communications expert brought in to give the DeSantis Administration national chops.
Tolerance for All is a Sane Covid Policy
The wounds are many, including what I see as self-inflicted political wounds coming from all sorts of people who won’t keep an open mind.
DeSantis Confuses Absolute Power with Freedom
Will Trump call out DeSantis for placing Medicare and Medicaid funds for some seniors in jeopardy? Will DeSantis have to face the consequences of his actions?
“The Joy of Covid”, Coming to a Bookseller Soon
I don’t know if this strain of thought will possess our political id and dominate our immune system. We will learn more as the year advances.
“Owning the Libs” is Right-wing Water Sports Activity
Despite the novelty and intricacy of a 100-year epidemic, I am sure Fox News propagandists and crew will continue to have a good time.
Florida Speaker Sprowls Unmasked
Chris Sprowls, the GOP speaker of the Florida House, needs to review his election website especially the section called “Get To Know Chris Sprowls.”
Manchin “Anxious to Meet” Texas Democrats
Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) is “anxious to meet” with Texas Democrats who broke quorum back home, shying away from filibuster remarks.
Democracy And Politics Are Complicated
I get it that politics is at least sometimes about compromise. My problem has been that the liberal side seems to be doing most of the giving.