As the EU continues to struggle with the ongoing migrant crisis and security problems, a new economic report shows that economic growth has halved or declined
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Russian Big Brother Law Draws Protest in Moscow
Politicians in Russia are facing heavy criticism from protesters who have taken to the streets recently to speak out against a new “anti- terrorism law” that was passed in parliament
Surging German Far Right, Surging Immigration, and Merkel
If the West wants to solve this problem of out of control migration to their countries, they should come up with a plan that will allow the Syrian President to be removed from office and allow for a democratically elected President
PHOTOS: Black Lives Matter Philly March at DNC
African Americans, Caucasian, Asians, Palestinians, people of all ethnicities, backgrounds and ages came out to show support for what has been happening to mostly young black males who have been gunned down by police
Turkish President Using Coup Attempt to Shut Down Free Speech
Since the attempt was crushed by forces and police who stayed loyal to the government, President Erdogan has been using the coup as an excuse to shut down opposing voice in the country
A Partnership of Independent Presidential Candidates
Imagine four Presidential candidates in the United States of America supporting and advising each other in 2016! Imagine that partnership and our ability to see beyond personal goals toward a roadmap for achieving national goals
Central African Republic Violence Destroying Healthcare System
The Central African Republic has been affected particularly hard since the rise of sectarian tensions came to a head in 2013 and violent clashes left civilians caught in the middle struggling to survive
Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Face an Education Crisis
Perhaps most tragic is that the trauma and psychosocial turmoil of Syrian refugees in Lebanon at such a young age increases the vitality of proper access to education
The Eric Garner Chokehold Two Years Later
Demonstrators from Stop Mass Incarceration and the Green Party came to Staten Island yesterday for the 2nd anniversary of the killing of Eric Garner by NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo
Protesting Rudy Giuliani For-Profit Prisons Connection
A group of around 25 or so demonstrators gathered to protest former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his role in profiting from the Corrections Corporation of America