The hearing room at the BoE filled up with voters, activists and poll workers who will eventually get a chance to speak. “The fact that they were denied the right to vote undermines democracy and undermines the fundamental principles of this nation”
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
New York State Political Corruption Strikes Again
Corruption, an issue which has plagued New York state politics since the early 1900s, has reared its ugly head again, because for the second time in two years, a major influential politician has been convicted of bribery and extortion charges.
Remembering Daniel Berrigan, the FBI’s Most Wanted Priest
Daniel Berrigan his brother Phil and 7 others took 378 draft files from the draft board in Catonsville, MD. and in the parking lot of the draft board office they lit the draft files on fire using homemade Napalm to protest the Vietnam War
Ballot Access For Independents: Laughing Through the Tears
Ballot access for independents to get on state ballots in time for the next national or state or local election is backwards. The rules are completely different than running as a Democrat or Republican.
Why Half of Americans Believe the Primary System is Rigged
The poll surveyed 1,500 citizens and revealed that 51% believed that the current system was “rigged” and another 27% do not understand sufficiently enough the current presidential primary system.
May Day, Things Change; Things Stay the Same…
I was looking through my old May Day activities, and I came across this letter I had written to my petition followers two years ago, in 2014. Back then I had a little over 4000 signatures, yet today we have 10,141.
Year in Jail For $2.75 and No Jail Time For a Murderer?
Attorneys are speaking out against the DA’s recommendation of no jail time for the cop, Peter Liang, who fired a shot that killed Akai Gurley in the Pink Houses stairwell while he was using the stairs because the elevator was out of service.
Speak Up About Weapons Makers’ Power
This enormous industry, represented by the NRA, supports a small group of powerful lobbyists who drum up fear of laws that would reduce the weapons corporations’ cash flow. The NRA’s money and the fear of its political power sway many members of Congress.
U.S. Consumers Rein In Big Ag And Send A Strong Message
I want to take these consumer victories as an opportunity to encourage each of you to take heart–and act. Keep telling a new story, one that is based on creating an environmentally sustainable, resource regenerative world.
GALLERY: Denim Day NYC Rally to End Sexual Violence
NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray delivered remarks at the Denim Day NYC Rally to End Sexual Violence with Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and LG Kathy Hochul on the City Hall steps