What have we experienced since September 11, 2001? Is our world better, more just, and more unified? Do we have more freedom and equality? Do impoverished people around the planet have greater access to basic necessities?
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
An American Revolution by Martin Luther King Jr.
King’s historical memory found the roots of revolution in the best of American political traditions. The student led sit-in movement renewed the civil rights struggle and launched the student movement.
Death to American Exceptionalism?
There’s no shame in admitting that we’re not doing as well as others. Death to American exceptionalism may be brash and unnecessary, but this is a plea to all, let’s put aside our pride and use common sense.
Interview With HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine’s Founder
Presenting an interview with entrepreneur Mahmoud Mansi, a longtime Democracy Chronicles writer and the Founder of HR Revolution Middle-East Magazine based in Alexandria, Egypt.
Timeless Wisdom from the Indigenous Amazon People
Our international group learned from the Indigenous people there about creating a human presence on this planet that will foster environmentally sustainable, socially just, and emotionally and spiritually fulfilling lifestyles, communities, and nations
As the Number of Refugees Reaching Europe Explodes…
As the Syrian Civil continues into its fourth year, the number of refugees reaching Europe from across the Mediterranean Sea in October has almost reached the same amount that was totaled in all of 2014.
Martin Luther King’s Revolution of Values
King envisioned a revolution of values, a freedom revolution that would destroy the institutionalized structures of oppression. This revolution took shape in current social movements but was also deeply rooted in the American past.
Announcing the Results of Our Playwriting Competition
After reviewing your submissions, the Forgotten Writers Foundation from Alexandria, Egypt and Democracy Chronicles from New York would like to thank you all for working together on this international project and are proud to announce the winners
Protesting de Blasio and Big Real Estate
On Thursday evening in front of the Sheraton Hotel on 7th Avenue, Josemar Trujillo spoke out about De Blasio answering only to the Big Real Estate executives who were with the Mayor at a re-election fundraiser.
Martin Luther King Jr. and the Beloved Community
The beloved community evoked a world based on community values of mutual aid and cooperation, the recognition of interdependence, shared responsibility and respect freely given.