We have led ourselves to believe that the cloud is benign when in fact the truth is that the increasing use of cloud energy has a hidden cost to our society, in dollars and cents, in environmental capital, and in freedom.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
VIDEO: Ignite Closing Plenary at Netroots Nation 2015
Jess X Chen, Poet, Artist/Activist, Filmmaker, Educator and Democracy Chronicles contributor speaks at the Ignite Closing Plenary at Netroots Nation 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona.
German Prime Minister Merkel’s Allies Want to Limit Refugees
Even though Germany has been a willing and active participant in accepting the high number of refugees, it must, as with all countries, be able to control its border and the number of people that would like to enter into the country
Transform America by Transforming Government
My platform is Transform America by Transforming Government. I have a 7-track strategy to re-boot our agencies and build peace that begins by Cutting One Trillion Dollars of Waste.
Private Wall Street Insiders Are Making Government Money
Set up like a talk-show, Ben Bernanke, former head of the Federal Reserve bank, and Timothy Geithner, former Treasury Secretary during the crash of 2008, were in the middle of the Q&A portion of the event when I arrived
Greek Third Bailout Approval Likely in October
Officials from the EU recently said that Greece has met the necessary reforms that it had to make to get money for a third bailout, some of which would go to its financial sector, which has suffered heavily since the economic crisis of 2009
The Movement and Elections
We are in desperate need of grassroots rebellion and empowerment on many fronts and for many reasons. And, the social movements remain the best source of people with the capacity to undertake electoral work as transformative project.
The New Story: Interbeing
It is time to stop thinking about separation, about differences, and about the things that keep us apart. Let’s change the story of separation that has dominated human philosophies for far too long into a story of solidarity.
Let’s Move – Together
This is my plea for us all to come together in a movement to force corporations to serve the public interest instead of maximizing profits regardless of the social and environmental costs – and not just the public interest of one nation over another, but of the whole world
New York’s Rikers Island #ShutItDown
The almost hurricane-like weather did not keep away about two-hundred demonstrators from showing up to bring awareness to the less-than humane conditions and barbaric treatment of those held at Rikers Island