A new train could help battle climate change, serve expanding metro areas, and create a northern California mega-region.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
A Deep Dive Into The Administrative State
The Inflation Reduction Act[’s] passage shines a light on the administrative state. How will the billions,…other provisions…[become] policy?
Camp Lejeune Victim Or Scammer?
My work and cases are evidence of a work ethic he likely has never experienced before, not evidence of me being a scammer.
Swedish Election, No Surprises
The problem is not that we are walking on thin ice that will crack at any moment, the problem is that the longer time goes on the worse the consequences will be.
Connecting California : The Breakup San Bernardino County Needs
San Bernardino is putting secession on the November ballot but the nation’s largest county should reconsider its 51st state ambition.
California Doesn’t Need A New Abortion Measure
The fact that California permits such measures to be placed on the ballot in the first place is by far the biggest issue with Prop 1.
Camp LeJeune Act Passes, Biden Signed on August 10, 2022
Every child and spouse or former spouse of any veteran should have health coverage and it should apply no matter where they live.
Taiwan Crisis: America Needs To Be More Proactive
The most recent conflict between China and Taiwan is more than just a coincidence. It is a sign of one that could be more disastrous.
A New Approach To Breaking Our Media Silos
It’s no secret that there’s a partisan divide in the media, but thus far, solutions to bridge that divide have been few and far between.
Carmel’s Cautionary Tale for Post-Roe America
The lesson is about… the human horrors of letting judges, or anyone else, determine our rights on the basis of history – especially when history omits so much.