I get it that politics is at least sometimes about compromise. My problem has been that the liberal side seems to be doing most of the giving.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Juneteenth: A Celebration of the Declaration of Independence
Juneteenth is a reminder that we must never give up no matter how tough or trying the times. This year, it is especially important that we all speak up.
Money Is Speech
I’m not a constitutional scholar. I discuss issues of public interest by using my common sense, which tells me that, in our country, money is speech.
Thoughts From Biden’s Memorial Day Message
In his first Memorial Day message as President, Biden commented and emphasized what he is believes is most important: democracy.
Large Trade Association Pumped Money Into Manchin’s Coffers
Federal Election Commission records show the small-state senator got campaign donations from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies PAC.
PODCAST: Discussion On The State Of US Democracy
It’s our duty as democrats to persevere despite these challenges and push the limits of our imagination about what democracy can and should be.
Texas State House Democrats Should Take A Stand
Texas is again the biggest battleground state. This time it’s not just about winning an election, it’s about winning the fight to save our democracy.
Group Think In The Stop The Steal Movement
I have been thinking about how statistics show that there are 14 million Americans who subscribe to the insane beliefs of the Q-Anon movement.
Powerful Democrat Gave Money to Sen. Manchin Recently
Tom Daschle, former Senate Democratic Majority and Minority Leader donated $2,900 to Sen. Joe Manchin on March 29, FEC records.
Echo Chambers
We interpret conflicting evidence as supportive of our thoughts, and seek out arguments that confirm beliefs, becoming confident of our opinions .