While it’s always been there, self-interest has upped pack mentality – disinterest in crucial societal issues. Embracing truth is how to undo the dynamic.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Email Interview with the Founder of Democracy Counts
Democracy Counts is a nonpartisan hi-tech startup that has developed election watchdog apps which it will share with volunteer election auditors in 2020.
Democratize Diplomacy!
For all its impact the world can seem distant from our daily issues, a paradox of irrelevance and mounting relevance that calls for democratizing diplomacy.
Social action is the best approach to a stormy 2020, here’s how to be effective
The social climate barometer points to a stormy 2020 that can only be confronted through social action, but there are protocols to follow to be effective.
Carlos Ghosn’s Wild Japanese Disappearing Act
His claim is that he’s not fleeing justice as a fugitive but rather escaping a racist and rigged system. It’s hard to know which of those narratives is true. James Bond (or James Bond villain?)
Unlikely odds for radically different leadership and change in Cameroon post-Biya
There is a conflation of honeymoon and change in post-Biya predictions. The caste State also says why ceteris paribus such change is unlikely in Cameroon.
The World that cried wolf! Ignoring and sanitizing American foreign policy in Bolivia
When our country overthrow’s the government of another country, we just ignore it and our press sanitizes the putsch. It’s time to engage and cry wolf!
The Highest Form of Communism is Transcendental Communism
Let us encourage neighbors to create their own social vision and worldview, thinking globally and acting locally. Let each elementary, middle, and high school district create its own educational philosophy.
Circa $2.56 million for drinks in State end of year festivities spending in Cameroon is irresponsible government
For a poor and conflict-ridden State, $2.56million for end of year State parties in Cameroon is a show of irresponsibility and lack of accountability.
Not So Fast On That New Capital City, Burundi
Burundi’s capital is being moved for the good of the people! Actually no: the dictatorship is moving and building a new administrative city as a mega-theft.