It’s important to not oversell the benefits of Ranked Choice Voting, which many outlets are doing. Overselling RCV can create unrealistic expectations and sour voters to other alternative voting methods.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Time’s Up America – Civil Disobedience Now
We have been acting like doormats and have been complacent to our corporate masters. Not only that but at least 30% of us seem to be even going long and think that we are on the right track! So why do we think that there’s going to be any change?
My Addition to the Literary Mexican Tradition of La Calavera
La Calavera is a literary Mexican tradition and discipline from the post-1910 revolution years developed by journalist José Guadalupe Posada and also part of the Magical Realism movement. Even Diego Rivera painted Calaveras.
On the 6th Anniversary of the Disability Party, Some Background
Disabled Americans are encouraged to vote, but that’s all. No barriers have been removed to ensure that disabled voters have disabled candidates to vote for. Some states pretend that no disabled persons have disability rights as a candidate.
A Collection of My Best Thomas Paine Memes for His Birthday
In honor of Thomas Paine’s 283rd birthday today, I am proud to announce a new collection I have put together to showcase some of my favorite artistic creations that highlight the founding father. This meme collection is free for you to spread around!
Beware the Pied Pipers of Politics
A good tagline is simple, effective and hypnotic if done properly, and it conveys a message that’s easy to remember with a minimal amount of words. How come the Republican Party is so good at the tagline?
Thoughts on Corporate Taxation
Do we have the courage to fight what Teddy Roosevelt called the “unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics”? Let’s find out! Some thoughts on providing revenue for the government.
China’s Vilification Campaign Targeting Dissident Benny Tai
China’s press attacks on DC Author and leading Hong Kong democracy activist Benny Tai and the trial of Tai and his allies are clearly part of a Chinese government campaign to squash his calls for democracy in Hong Kong and on the mainland.
Recruiting Board Members at The Center for Election Science
We had a big year with our successful campaign that make Fargo the first city to implement approval voting. We want to bring approval voting to even more cities and we need a strong board to be able to do it!
Thoughts on the Evolution of Democracy
Democracy will not succeed until we recognize that there are many among us with the ability and the integrity to improve our lives. We must devise a way to seek them out and raise them to public office.