I want to point out that the opioid crisis in this country is mostly because Big Pharma was over prescribing them. Big Pharma and corrupt legislators got the country in this mess.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
How Big Money Is Preventing Healthy Politics And How To Fix It
One major issue inhibiting healthy politics in America is big money. Corporations use money to influence lawmakers to enact laws in their favour. Getting money out of politics is the way out.
Docsmit: New Tool Helps Regular People Access the Legal System
Sometimes, when a person wishes to file a lawsuit to have their rights enforced, the Court requires paper filings through the U.S. Mail. In 2018, this seems like an archaic method of filing documents, and it is archaic. Enter Docsmit.
Our Experiment With Authoritarian Propaganda: American Relativism
It struck me that Alex Jones’ conspiracies, right-wing Eastern European propaganda, Assad’s propaganda, and the reality flipping views I heard one Thanksgiving weekend were eerily similar.
Trump is Inciting Aggression, Only Your Vote Can Stop Him
Even the type of dictatorship he seems to want is worse than average, it would be aggressive. As these midterms approach, I hope Americans can learn to follow another type of impassioned rhetoric, one that involves love.
Rethinking Your Support for Trump, the Dictator in Waiting
Please promise that you will take a better look at Mr. Trump and see him for who he really is: a billionaire who has always had everything and who does not care to understand anything about fighting for human rights.
Citizens to Vote on Religiously-Themed Alabama Constitution Changes
The colorful amendments presented to citizens in this year’s midterm elections in Alabama are again showing why they have come to influence how Alabamians are known across the country.
How ADA Reform Legislation Can Expand American Democracy
When the ADA and Rehab Act can be used to expand democratic inclusion, that’s the moment when people with disabilities can make that great leap forward into public office, even if they are poor and disabled.
How Cameroon’s Paul Biya Won Another 7 Years In Office
Cameroon’s Constitutional Court announced presidential election result in favour of incumbent Biya, 85, in power since 1982. How did Biya win? With everything being equal, he will be in power till 2025, a whopping 43 years in power.
Just Moved? Lost Your ID? The Affidavit Ballot Is Your Friend
Untold Americans have actually died for this vital right of ours. To not exercise it disrespects their memory and sacrifice, and to not try to vote when emergency ballots are available is a cop out.