Even without the sexual allegations, he should not be confirmed. Even with everything else aside I still stand by my initial reservations of this nominee. He appears to have been nominated as payback.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
How to Stop the Two-Party Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
We must require that a winner must get more than half the votes. Alas, this simple rule cannot be imposed yet. Why? Because virtually all democracies currently use primitive single-mark ballots.
Honey Bees Practice Democracy. What We Can Learn From Them?
Democracy is not unique to human societies. Democratic practices are tightly woven into the very fabric of nature and guide the behavior of several animal species including the humble honeybee.
How to Overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs
Some Department of Veterans Affairs medical facilities and VA healthcare professionals are excellent. Overall, the VA system is an abysmal failure. About 100 VA facilities are now under investigation for negligence.
On Keeping Mad Dog Mattis as America’s Secretary of Defense
Under Trump, Secretary of State James Mattis and National Security Advisor John Bolton are headed in the wrong direction. But things could get worse. The real change we need, beyond Mattis and Trump, is peace.
The Flaws In Our Existing Voting Machinery
To build new voting machinery that differs from the existing machinery in important ways, we must first identify flaws in the existing machinery. I’ll look at some of those flaws and ways of correcting them.
Town of Brookhaven to Put Term Limit Extensions on November Ballot
At a time when many politicians use the term limits issue as a talking point, politicians in Brookhaven County have passed a resolution that would add more years onto their terms of service, not less.
A Report from the Free Taiwan March in New York City
While this event primarily focused on Taiwan’s situation, they also stood with all peoples living under the grim shadow of the Communist Party of China’s authoritarian regime like Uyghurs, Tibetans, and others.
An Updated Roadmap for Actions to Transform Family Law
A hidden epidemic of taxpayer-funded kidnappings, stolen newborns, forced terminations of parental rights and forced adoptions have reached heartbreaking, national levels.
A New Proposal for a Practical Democracy Built On Public Agreement
If we are to have democracy, we must conceive, validate and adopt a political process that gives the people – all the people – an opportunity to participate in the practice of politics.