I don’t talk about the Middle East much, because the more I learn the less I seem to understand. Many, many people, hope and pray for the end of the conflict.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Why Did Republicans Choose Trump In 2016
Why did Republicans choose Trump in 2016? Why is he the front runner in the Republican primary again this year?
Dianne Feinstein Was California’s Last Ambassador
These would-be Feinstein successors have recently issued statements praising her, but they won’t try to fill her shoes.
Voting Should Not Just Be For The Rich
Voting decides who makes decisions in the country, it decides where the $6.27 trillion budget gets spent, and it decides when we go to war.
Biden’s Last Chance at Camp LeJeune Stimulus
Biden has to see the Camp LeJeune Justice Act settlement for what it is. His last chance to inject stimulus and prevent a recession.
What Can We Learn From Early Democracies?
David Stasavage shows democratic practices were present in many places, at many other times, from the Americas before European conquest, to ancient Mesopotamia, to precolonial Africa.
I Hereby Censure the Censure
It’s time that we censure the whole idea of censure. It’s consuming the precious time and money of our local governments.
What Have We Become?
The big fish who orchestrated the Jan 6th riot are again launching a preemptive strike against those who can get in the way of their desired outcome.
PODCAST: Building Better Bureaucracy
Jennifer Pahlka is the author of Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better.
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