I recently joined a day of solidarity in support of equality and tolerance, supporting American Muslims. There is no greater time than now to stand up for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
National Artwork: Around the Roundel
Any country with an air force has roundels, even those who don’t own planes, and from a design and political perspective they’re fun. This study covers the most interesting examples.
Artistic UpRISING and Revolutionary Love in NYC
This Tuesday, women and men throughout the US and in 200 countries worldwide came together for the RISE to end violence against all women and girls as part of Valentine’s Day.
PHOTOS: Valentine’s Day Divestment Action with Josh Fox
We hand-delivered more than 160 pages of petition signatures, telling the Comptroller to protect the environment and New Yorkers and drop fossil fuel investments from the City’s more than $170 billion portfolio.
AUDIO: My Discussion With Radio Host Kevin Willett
Host Kevin Willett is joined by Aaron Hamlin of The Center for Election Science. They promote better collective decisions in settings ranging from civic organizations to government bodies.
How Approval and Score Voting Compare to the Alternatives
Attempts to improve on Approval and Score Voting are always at least somewhat illusory, because, even when some improvement is achieved, it’s accompanied by problems.
How To Be A Democracy Under Trump
It is up to us to insist upon democracy. It is essential that we continue to demonstrate and march, to bombard Trump and our other elected officials with tweets, posts, phone calls, and emails.
The Cameroon Anglophone Problem (Part One)
Over the last four months, the English speaking Regions of the North West and South West in the West African State that styles itself as the Republic of Cameroon have been the grounds of protracted protests.
It’s Official – I Am Number 15!
I ran as an independent candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election cycle and I came in number 15! Many of you have asked what’s next. I am thinking about running for office again.
From Russia Without Love: RT
Now the U.S. and Russia are besties, BFFs at a presidential level, and Putin has been kind enough to help with our election, it is worth investigating what the Russian world-view looks like.